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HR Challenges

Businesses are relying more than ever on their HR departments to support their employees through the use of new processes during these turbulent times. There are numerous challenges facing the office as a work space, or in general a place of gathering (being a formal office, factory, a bus, a train, Uber, a taxi, educational institutions, religious places of worship, or a manufacturing plant) to mitigate risk associated with the transmission of the corona virus

Value to employees and companies.

Lets begin to unpack how Pow Wow Contact Tracing Services (PWCTS) for business can assist your HR needs, for employees and as a company. We can assist through solving the following problems within the work place, but we need to make peace that there is a "New Normal" in Town, and understanding that the old way of thinking and addressing challenges or scenarios may not be applicable anymore in some cases.  

1. Mental health and well-being.

2. Staff safety.

3. Contact tracing in the work place.

4. Electronic Register.

5. Scheduling.

6. Communication.

The New Normal

Create a safer work place.

You can't fight COVID 19 on your own. Let us assist you.

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Covid - 19 has added an increase in stress, anxiety and other metal health issues that it's now a problem in the front seat.


Some staff members are not able to work from home, and needs a safe work environment. Many are concerned about the coronavrirus being transmitted in the work place. Is the wearing of a mask (under air conditioning), washing of hands, and social distancing enough? 


Government is not doing enough or acting fast enough through getting contact tracing processes in place. The longer we wait, the faster the virus is spreading. This means, your own staff are still at risk of contracting the virus, and spreading it at the work place. It is now a priority that a business must protect its own staff, by implementation of contact tracing technologies. After all if a business don't act fast enough staff could become infected, production will decrease, business revenue will decrease too, and the problems just don't stop. In essence this will be Business Disaster Management protocol, as your doors can't be shut forever, and therefore you must act immediately


Some businesses are having staff and customers signing in using a pen and a book, yet the very same items or surfaces could be the hotspot for virus transmissions. Furthermore, the information requested such as your name, address, and mobile number does not have an effective process behind it, when it is actually time to put contact tracing to the test. A manual register is insufficient, and still a big risk.


Employee internal / external communication has been compromised. Working from home for one or two days, and then working at the office for another three days creates gaps within the flow of communication and the urgency to attend to any business matter. It has now become a more reluctant process, with the result impacting staff performance and productivity.  


Communication is another major challenge that is on the priority list. Without the right communication channels, it becomes difficult to manage a workforce especially when HR is facing a COVID -19 positive case in the work place. How do you communicate, using what channels? HR has the responsibility to check up on the progress of such a case. Health authorities needs to know about such infected person, that could endanger others too. 


How we can assist you ...

Let's start here.

Educate others to understand what CONTACT TRACING is. Inform them how important it is to understand contact tracing and how it will improve the work environment. 

Contact Tracing is not a form of surveillance. It is the interest to trace the virus impacting your well being.

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1. The Entrance

Ensure that your office, store, shop, factory, church, mosque, the boom gate, office building entrance is secure. Remember we are fighting an invisible enemy which means our approach must now be different also. The "New Normal" will require the following protocols

A. Implement a mandatory Self - Test.

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The Self Test will stimulate the employee / employer relationship. 

It indicates that as an employer you care about your staff and the customers walking through the doors, with whom you interact with daily. 

Self Test Result

After doing a Self - Test, our artificial intelligence system will evaluate the employee or customers symptoms. Based on the severity all test scores will have 3 possible results.

1.   I'm Okay 

2.   Self Isolate

3.   Seek Medical Care

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B. Implement a mandatory E- Register check in.

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By implementing a mandatory e-register is much more effective than a manual sign in or scan your work token when entering the doors.

Remember, our aim is contact tracing. 

By implementation of a contact less Check In service point, you are able to trace any possible COVID 19 infected person.

Pow Wow Contact Tracing Services, is able to locate potential risks, hotspots, common denominators through the Big Data we receive.

This ensures that your company remain a safe environment for staff and customers.

PWCTS will inform your HR department immediately should any customer or staff member is at risk, or potentially carrying the virus, or been exposed to a hotspot in result to spreading the virus and transmission to other employees or customers.

The New Normal

POW WOW Contact Tracing

Let's work together.

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